Monday, August 19, 2013

No. 003: Bruno

Alright! New comic! New Character! Oh, and look, I kept Spark's Position almost consistant this time!

Why is that guy a palette swap of a Final Fantasy 1 Ogre? Well that's really quite OH LOOK AT THIS!

Monday, August 12, 2013

No. 002: Spark

I wanted to get this up earlier, but I couldn't because I was busy.

Anyway, here is our first hero, Spark, of the Fire Tribe! Bask in glory of his Final Fantasy hair!

...What? Of course characters with minmal signifigance are bald and poorly drawn. What webcomics have you been reading?

Monday, August 5, 2013

No. 001: Prologue

I'm sorry if the text is hard to read. It says "In this world, it is common for ordinary people tonave phenomonal poweers. This is the story of 13 teens who would use their powers to improve this world. This is the story... ...of the EC."

I swear, I'll use a different font in my next comic. I might even remake this one in said font.

But anyway, hi, and welcome to Stories of the EC! I'd appreciate it if you'd vote for me on Top Web Comics, but I don't have an incentive up yet. I promise I'll put that (and a banner) up as soon as I can figure out how.

My first comic... tune in on the 12th for the second!